
The information presented on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

Paid Advertising

Banner advertisement space is offered on a limited basis as space becomes available. Most of our banner and button advertising is Pay Per Click using either Google Adsense (identified as “Ads by Google”), Page impressions that are paid by advertisers to Google, and in turn, Google serves them to “adsense partners, Linkshare, Clickbank or one of our other “affiliated programs.” We also offer advertising space in our digital magazine for a fee based on size ad and availability. When you click on a Google ad (Pay Per Click programs), timetowellbeing.com receives a very small referral fee which timetowellbeing.com really appreciates.

All advertising timetowellbeing.com displays on the site and in our digital magazine must conform to our content which means we accept relevant content that we feel will be helpful to our audience.

Full Disclosure

timetowellbeing.com’s goal is to provide our readers with valuable, relevant content. timetowellbeing.com always gives honest and independent reviews. If we do not feel the product has some merit we simply do not review it. PERIOD.

NOTE: the FTC requires all websites, blogs, and online communities to disclose to its audience when revenue is generated from a click-through by its visitors via our posted links, graphics, text ads, banners, and widgets.

If you have any questions about our Disclosure Policy, please send an email to hello (at) timetowellbeing (dot) com .